Our western culture has a tendency to believe that overweight comes as a result of over-eating, thus to lose weight we must eat less. Well, what would you say if we told you that you can eat more and actually lose weight? Sounds amazing, right? With the calorie density method, it is possible!

What is Calorie Density?

Calorie density is a measurement way that connects the number of calories that food has with its volume or weight. The point of this is to ensure that a person is consuming way fewer calories with a meal that will fuel him/her more and that will make the person feel completely satisfied. 

How Does Calorie Density Work for Weight Loss?

As we have mentioned in the previous articles, starving yourself is not a good idea when it comes to developing sustainable/healthy weight loss goals. When you restrict yourself and eat way less than you are supposed to, you set your body in starvation mood. Meaning, that instead of burning fat, your body decides to store it in case there is no food available for the coming months. This is the reason why we all know about a person that started a “crash diet”, didn’t eat anything for 10 days and didn’t drop a pound. 
Calorie density, on the opposite, sends your body the internal message of satisfaction and abundance, thus burning fat and accomplishing the goal of weight loss without hunger.

Benefits Of The Calorie Density Method

Besides helping you get rid of unwanted pounds, the calorie density method comes along with the following benefits:

  • Increase of natural/unprocessed foods
  • More healthy foods
  • More lean proteins
  • Increase of nutrients
  • Low-calorie intake
  • A healthy diet that ensures sustainable weight loss

How Can I Implement The Calorie Density Method?

At this point, we are sure that you want to know all about the method that ensures balanced nutrition, weight loss, and overall healthier life.
In order to properly implement the CD in your life, you must base your nutrition on the following foods:

  • Vegetables: Green vegetables are the lowest calorie density food because they contain high quantities of water and fiber. Make sure to base your meals around them.
  • Lean meats: Fish, chicken breast, and turkey are lean meats that can fuel your body with protein and low-fat quantities. Avoid fatty meats like pork, beef, and sausages.
  • Fruits: Although fruits can be Satanized by many keto fans, when consumed in the right amounts they are an incredible source of vitamins, minerals, and energy. Fruits like berries, watermelon, and apples are the best choices when it comes to a calorie density approach.
  • Eggs: Switching from a sugar-based breakfast AKA muffins, cookies, and even cereal, is the key to sustainable weight loss and that too without a grouchy mood. Don’t be afraid of getting creative and adding some veggies to your morning omelet. If you find yourself in a rush during the mornings, mixing the ingredients in a container and having them ready to be cooked is a great way to save time and energy.
  • Starchy Carbs: No healthy diet will exclude any food group from your diet but will make proper adjustments. Carbs are a healthy source of energy when consumed in the right amounts and type. Go for stem potatoes, legumes, or other starchy carbs and include them in your meals. Remember, moderation is key.
  • Dairy: Reduced-fat yogurt and milk are also good sources of protein and fat. Make sure to include them in your diet in moderate amounts.

There is no reason to eliminate a food group from your life, but the key is to consume them in the right amounts. Pizza, cake, and even alcohol are not the devil. You can have them but only occasionally and in moderate amounts. Remember, the goal is to eat in an 80-20 proportion (80% healthy, 20% indulgent meals). This way you will ensure balanced nutrition without feeling deprived of the things you love. Life is to be celebrated and food is a good part of it!

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Michelle Ibarra

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