The key to a healthy heart actually lies in your mitochondria, those miniscule powerhouses in your cells that fuel your entire body, including your heart.

How mitochondrial health equals a strong and lasting heart

Conventional medicine doesn’t always get it right with heart disease – from diagnostic tests to heart-healthy advice, there’s a lot that’s unclear regarding how to properly care for your heart.
Cholesterol isn’t the real villain when it comes to heart attacks and strokes. Your arteries go out – first and foremost – due to inflammation. However, chronic inflammation causes bigger problems. Your body begins to rebel against itself because it’s overloaded. In the case of your heart, inflammation wreaks serious havoc because it leads to the buildup of fatty deposits called plaque. Your body thinks plaque is foreign, so your white blood cells try to fend it off. Yet, when the white blood cells are overloaded by combating plaque the plaque ruptures. Its contents leak into your blood and create a clot that blocks healthy blood flow. These clots lead to the majority of most heart attacks

Chronic inflammation is linked to poor mitochondrial health

To keep your arteries strong and clear of plaque, you need to reduce body-wide inflammation. Without inflammation, cholesterol can’t accumulate in your arteries, to begin with. The best way to keep inflammation at bay? Plain and simple: manage and maintain your mitochondrial health.

Mitochondrial ways to a strong heart

Avoid Toxins

Most chronic inflammation is the result of unwanted substances in the body, such as environmental toxins like pesticides, mold, and food toxins called mycotoxins. Science strongly supports the fact that environmental toxicity lowers mitochondrial function, which in turns lowers vascular function. To keep your mitochondria in tip-top shape, eliminate these toxins by eating organic veggies.

Avoid Overeating… Specially Sugar

Overeating can cause you to get LPSs(lipopolysaccharides) which cause mitochondrial inflammation. LPS is a compound made of fats and sugar that’s normally protective. However, when LPSs release into the bloodstream, they become a dangerous toxin that drives up inflammation. The solution? Eat plenty of fibrous veggies rather than binging on sugary carbs.

Detox and Release your Toxins

Take supplements that bind to toxins and flush them out of your system. Those include calcium d-glucarate, chlorella, and charcoal. Activated charcoal can absorb chemicals, drugs, pesticides, mercury, and even lead before they inflame your body. Take 1-2 charcoal pills after you suspect exposure.

Increase Bile Flow

Bile is a fluid that helps you to digest fat properly, as well as to break down toxins. It’s secreted by the liver, though stored in the gallbladder. With insufficient bile, your body will have trouble binding and excreting the toxins that accumulate in it. So what can you do to increase it?

  •  Consume saturated fats, like grass-fed meat and butter, to stimulate bile production.
  • Avoid foods containing mold toxins like peanuts, corn, milk, cheese, nuts, and soybeans that impair liver function, thus lowering bile production.

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Michelle Ibarra

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