According to recent studies, up to 80% of Americans have in their New Years’ resolutions to live healthier. Working out, running, and hitting the gym are found among the top of them. However, one study found that up to 73 percent of people who set fitness resolutions end up quitting before hitting their targets.

The reason? They are trying too hard.

Ditching the “New Year” Mentality

New Years tend to be filled with the conviction of change and improvement. Most people feel the need to radically transform their habits into better/improved ones. Although this might sound positive,  it might have a negative effect.

This can be traced back to the fact that people put too much pressure on themselves, thus leading them to overdo, and then quitting.


Small Goals: The Key to Achieving It All

According to psychologists, the key to really achieving your goals is pacing yourself. 

Making SMART goals (Specific, Measurable,  Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) must be the starting point before you jump into them.

-Instead of saying “Im working out more”, you should say “I will be hitting the gym, 3 times a week, for 45 minutes each time”. 

-Instead of saying “Im eating healthier”, you should say “I will increase my veggie intake by drinking one green smoothie each morning”.

The goal is to create new habits without feeling overwhelmed and pressured but motivated and rewarded instead.

Additional Tips To Accomplishing Your 2020 Resolutions 

Be Realistic: You probably won’t get ripped in 2 months, and wont run a marathon in the third. Making your goals realistic and attainable is the key to keeping motivated during the year by not falling short of your own expectations. 

Have Fun: Another reason why people quit working out is due to boredom and lack of enjoyment. Finding a workout that you actually enjoy is key to enduring and persevering throughout the year.

Take Days Off: Ditching the 6 days a week workout is important to accomplishing your goals. If you push yourself too hard you will be most likely to quit. Hitting the gym 3 times a week can be more effective in the long run, than working out daily for 2 months.

Find Community: If you find yourself a working out buddy, you are most likely to endure and persevere. Treat your workout schedules like meetings with a friend and watch your mindset change.

Keep Track: Having a calendar with a mark in each day that you follow your goals will help you stay motivated during your process. Watching all of the hard work marked in a visual form will motivate you to continue working hard even when you want to give up. 

In the end, every single effort will be worth it. Make changes and celebrate your progress. Remember, you are worth it!

Has staying healthy been your resolution? How did you achieve your goal? Let us know in the comments below.

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Michelle Ibarra

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